Railway Station

Piazzale 11 Settembre 2001, in the past better known as “Piazza della Stazione”, derives its name from the presence in that area of ​​the Giulianello-Rocca Massima railway station, part of the Velletri-Terracina section. The line, after years of planning, was finally opened on May 27, 1928 by the Mediterranean Network Organisation. It had a length of about 79 km and was a mountain line. Its route, with slopes up to 29 ‰, left numerous inhabited centers uncovered and even those served by the railway were often located very far from the stations, without forgetting that in those years the entire coastal area was sparsely populated due to the presence of swamps. For this reason, the line proved largely unsuitable for the real needs of movement.

Il museo

Despite this, the line represented the first rail link between Rome and the centers of the Pontine coast. The railway, consisting of a single track, reached Giulianello from Velletri, crossing a level crossing located near today’s sports field in via Velletri-Anzio; it entered the town through a splendid 5-arched bridge (still visible today) and entered the Piazzale della Stazione. After leaving Giulianello, the railway crossed, with another level crossing, the road to Rocca Massima and headed south where, at via Colle Illirio, there was the “La Buzzia” stop and continued its route towards Terracina through the stations of Cori, Cisterna, Norma- Ninfa, Sermoneta- Bassiano, Sezze Romano, Priverno, Sonnino, Frasso and La Fiora. In 1905 the management of the line passed to the newly formed FS and until the 1920s the line lived its sleepy life as a secondary railway. After the project to provide Terracina with a large port, and the reclamation of the Pontine marshes began, the new Italian government began to design a fast line that connected Rome with Naples through a more favorable route and in the plains passing through Campoleone / Formia. There were various causes that contributed to the definitive closure of the line in 1957; among these, undoubtedly, the automobile boom, the first cuts to secondary lines, the lack of electrification of the section in question, the company policies aimed at favoring aggregation towards new and more impressive railway routes (see the Rome-Campoleone section Terracina).
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Il Comune di Cori

Over the years, the toll booth of the Giulianello-Rocca Massima station, which has become the property of the Municipality of Cori, has hosted various realities including the “doctor’s office” and some middle school classes to become the operational headquarters today. of two associations: “La Stazione APS” which manages the “G. Canale reading room” on the upper floor and “Il Ponte APS” which manages the Elderly Center on the ground floor. As a demonstration of the mutual respect and the communion of intentions that unite the two associations in carrying out activities aimed at apparently distant generations and users, in 2016, they collaborated in the creation of murals on the side facades of the building that could synthesize and show the town the solidity of their intergenerational union.

POLIS-È-MIA – codice unico progetto F82JI7000100001 – con D.D. G14038 del 18/10/2017 parte di “Giovani 2017: Aggregazione, prevenzione e supporto”

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